Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Romeo and Juliet Essay

Preparation for the Real World
            Many people think that the Romeo and Juliet project would be a waste of time. The Romeo and Juliet project was a great project to do. It is better than just reading it and taking a test on it because it is a more memorable learning experience and fun, it is collaborative, we get experience with technology tools, and we get learning inside and outside of the classroom. There are many people that think this project is not a god idea, but it is a definitely a great project to do.
            It is very collaborative. The students are working on this project with other students from Van Meter, Iowa. This is a very good thing because the students are meeting new people and communicating with people that are very far away. In the project the Students at South High School are doing Acts 1,3, and 5 and the Students in Van Meter are doing Acts 2 and 4. This is a good thing because they have to be responsible for their parts. By working with the students in Iowa it gave the students communication skills and it will help them down the road. This is a good learning experience and skill. This is one reason this project is better than just testing on it, but getting technology skills is also a good thing.
            We worked with Skype, blogs wikis, and email. All of these things are good skills to have because its good for collage and sometimes people get job interviews over Skype. If the person doesn’t know how to work Skype they probably will not get the job. Computer and technology skills are also good because a lot of information and other things are on the computer. Also email is used by a lot of people to communicate so that skill is very helpful. Wikis and blogs are good because people share information with each other on them. This is a great skill to have, but doing work inside and outside of the classroom helps Students learn more.
            This project took a lot of hard work in and out of the classroom. Working outside the classroom is good because it is more learning. All acting students had to go act after school on the weekends to do this project. Coming after school and on the weekends requires students to have a lot of responsibility. Being responsible is a very good trait to have because colleges and adults like responsible students. Learning out of the classroom also helps the students remember the material better because they had to come on there free time to work on the project. Learning inside and outside of the classroom is a good reason why this project was not a waste of time, but this project being a fun memorable is a better reason.
            This project was not just a good learning experience, but it was also fun and very memorable. Everyone will remember this project for a very long time. If the students took a test on this they would not remember it as well. In ten or twenty years if someone asks them what they remember from the freshman English most of the students will probably say “that big Romeo and Juliet project we did”. It is also not a waste of time because it was a lot of fun. The acting was very fun and exciting. All of the students had a really good time on the Romeo and Juliet project. If the students weren’t having fun on the project it would be a waste of time but everyone was enjoying it.
            This project was very exciting and fun to do and it was not a waste of time this is because the students learned how to use technology and increase their social skills. Later in life, students can look back and realize they have learned valuable skills in technology and communications. The students also learned good responsibility. This project was not a waste of time.

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